Healthy through proper nutrition

More than half of adult Germans are overweight or obese. Almost every fifth child between the ages of three and 17 is already overweight. Cardiovascular diseases, such as arteriosclerosis stroke, heart attack, high blood pressure, diabetes, muscle diseases can be the result. Much of it can be avoided or reduced by healthy nutrition and sufficient movement!

On the basis of the Logi nutrition method (Low Glycemic and Insulinemic diet) and the five nutrition rules of the Prevention First principle, Dr. Schernick gave nutrition recommendations, which have the reduction of the blood sugar rise, the insulin secretion after the meal as a goal.

The recommendations correspond to a Mediterranean diet with reduced carbohydrate content. The basis is in each case vegetables/fruit/high-quality fats, protein-rich diet with dairy products, fish, lean meat, but restraint with cereal products, sweets and white flour products and an increase in energy consumption. According to one study, a Mediterranean diet results in a 30% risk reduction in cardiovascular disease.

The presentation of "good fats" (olive oil, canola oil, nuts, fish with omega 3 fatty acids), "neutral fats" (milk, dairy products, cheese) and "bad fats" (processed meat, sausage, trans fatty acids) finally provoked a lively discussion from the audience.

Dr. Schernick concluded her informative presentation with an appeal not to drink alcohol twice a week, pointing out the danger of habit. As a rule of thumb, she shared: no more than 1 glass/day and no regularity, reduce carbohydrates, prefer whole grains, avoid sweets, improve fat quality in the diet, avoid sausage and processed meat, eat more proteins, eat fish, poultry, dairy products, lean meat for satiety, and implement at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity per day.

Enriched with good resolutions, the visitors said goodbye to Dr. Schernick, after hospitality on the part of the company with healthy food.

The lectures at MEKRA Lang on the subject of "health" are open to the public. The donations at the lecture evenings go to the Frauenhaus in Ansbach. You can register by e-mail at or by phone at 09847/989-0.