Funding programs

BMVI funding pot for turning assistance systems 2023

Turning assistant - Bundesamt für Logistik und Mobilität

The funding pot of the BMVI will be available again from January 23, 2023.

The Federal Ministry of Freight Transport has launched a program to promote turn assistance systems (AAS).

Weaker road users such as cyclists and pedestrians are often overlooked by trucks or buses turning right; serious accidents occur. The aim of the support program is to significantly reduce these accidents.

Source: BALM


De-minimis - Bundesamt für Logistik und Mobilität

Within the framework of the "De-minimis" funding program, the federal government supports companies involved in the road haulage of heavy commercial vehicles that carry out certain measures to promote safety and the environment.


Supported measures

Vehicle and personal measures as well as measures to increase efficiency in the company are funded in accordance with Appendix 2 of the "De minimis" funding guideline: Purchase, rental and leasing of equipment,

Facilities and other measures in the field of environment and safety, as well as consultations on environmental and safety-related issues of corporate management.


Only measures that are not prescribed by a law, a regulation or comparable regulations are eligible for funding. According to Appendix 2, the purchase, rental and leasing of camera systems for rear maneuvering, front cameras as well as additional non-mandatory safety devices such as radar systems are expressly eligible.


Important Notice:

The application period for the 2023 funding period begins in the "De-minimis" funding program on January 09, 2023.

The measures must not have been started before the Federal Office received the application. For the specific regulations, please refer to the corresponding funding guideline "De-minimis" or the explanations for the respective funding period.

Companies that carry out road haulage within the meaning of § 1 of the Road Haulage Act (GüKG) at the time of submitting the application and are owners or keepers of heavy commercial vehicles registered for traffic on public roads in the Federal Republic of Germany are eligible for funding.

The application for a "De minimis" grant can be submitted electronically via the electronic application portal of the Federal Office "eService" on the website submit.


Source: Federal Office for logistics and mobility (BALM)